Men and machines
1°) gallery of this series

The King of shadows

The tragic ride

Hunting party

Automobile pride

The ferryman

television games (detail)

Television game

The solitary navigator

The pretentious

The cart

Royal carriage

The internaut
2°) More informations on these sculptures:
In the summer of 1996, I was thinking about a new series of characters which I absolutely wanted to talk about. The underlying idea of this new series was to make fun of human pretentiousness as regards all the more or less strange machines that have “advanced” men to an arrogant modernity.
What better way to portray irony than to seek inspiration in trash cans. I gathered together everything highly extravagant or unusual that it was possible to find. I proceeded to make combinations of shapes or colors. The machines have arisen from imagination as a result of these unexpected discoveries and associations.
It was at this time that I discovered all the creative wealth that could come from salvaged materials. I began with specific ideas of human characters, and chance diverted me towards other potential topics. These assemblages of materials opened the door to the unconscious. All these “divergences” have emerged as essential to the very process of creation. Ever since this year I began to be placed in the “outsider artist” category.