Funny Birds (2009)
1°) gallery of this series

The vulture


insectus bizarrus

The battered donkey

The flight

The heron

The seagull


The old globetrotter


Bird of Paradise
2°) More informations on these sculptures:
Funny birds (Drôles d’oiseaux) are all of the animals that surround us and look like us.
For a long time, I strove to track down the tics and grimaces of human beings in an attempt to guess what could be hiding behind the appearance of the face. Animals were absent from this approach. When they appeared, they were more like companions than fully formed people.
Impossible not to see to what extent all these living beings are involved in the same uncertain story, tossed about between the tragic and the ridiculous. Animals share with us the same aspirations, the same quirks, the same games of seduction, the same vital constraints… and ultimately the same difficulties.
When one takes a closer look at the forms which already exist in nature, one realizes that delusion is ubiquitous… All of creation is made of an excessiveness and we’ll never tire of its intoxication! Therefore, if it’s a question of laughing at this tragicomic condition, why not use bolder strokes. The Earth is a huge aviary where a host of funny birds meet and srutinize each other …