
Route of the sculptor MILO DIAS
Terra cotta, stoneware, raku, wood-carver, mixed media and bronze.
Born in France in Sainte-Colombes (69), and after long years in the Paris area, the sculptor lives and works now in the Valley of the Eure.
- 1979-1980: A year of internship at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts appliqués (Volume);
- 1968-1972: course of Plastic Arts at the University and the École des Beaux-Arts of the Honduras.
The human being, his tics and his grimaces, his superiority complex, his bizarre inventions, animals that surround it and it look like…
- “Phantasmagorias” (2016/2018)
- “Fashion and appearances” (2011)
- “Dances and other devilry” (2005)
- “Funny Birds” (2004)
- “Of men and machines” (1996)
- “Fellow travellers” (1995)
- “Thanatos” (1989)
- «Lovely little faces» (1982-1991)

2019 Patrimony House, Roussillon Castle (38150)
2018 “The human being in all its states”, Christiane Peugeot Center, Paris 17th
2017 “Male and Female”, Le Castel de Maintenon (28)
2016 “Together”, La Tannerie (Houdan -78), with the photographer Laurent Rémon
2015 “Portaits gallery”, Nogent-le-roi (28), with 6 guest artists
2014 Met’ Art Morphoses N ° 6, (Nogent Castle -28)
2013 Maintenon Cultural Center (28), with Dominique Degois (textile art)
2012 Spontaneous Art Museum (Brussels), Projection Gallery (Brussels)
2008 Rubens Gallery (Brussels), Maatgallery (Paris)
2007 – Gustave Workshop (Paris), Imaginary World Gallery (Beaumont-14), International Cultural Center of Cerisy-la-Salle (50), the SEMA Gallery (Viaduc des Arts in Paris)
2004 TOTAL, La Défense (Paris)
2002 Neuilly’s Gallery (Hauts de Seine)
1997 Villemartin Castle (Essonne), The New Republic newspaper (Blois)
1996 Jaja Gallery (Paris)
1995 Apart Gallery (Paris)
1993 U.N.E.S.C.O. (Paris)
1992– Art Gallery, Francheville Cultural House (Rhône)
1991 Sainte Barbe Castle (Fontenay aux Roses), Roussillon Castle (Isère)
1990. Under the sponsorship of the Banque Populaire : rotating exhibition at branches of the Bank from October 1990 to May 1991

2020 – COMPARAISONS, groupe “Singulière Sculpture”, Grand Palais (Paris 8th)
2018 “The GOLEM revisited” La Tannerie (Houdan -78)
2015/2019 Critical Figuration, Bastille Design Center (Paris 11th)
2014 – “Mouvances” (Zabu Factory -28), Hero(t)ique City (Viroflay -78), Autumn Salon- Champs-Elysees (Paris)
2013 “The Factory Gallery”Maintenon, “Humor and Satire Museum” Gabrovo (Bulgaria), AAPMP (Maintenon/Pierres-28), RDV d’art (Paris), Critical Figuration (Bastille Design Center and Le Pouliguen)
2012 Bastille Design Center (Paris), ARTCITE 2012 (Fontenay-sous-Bois)
2011 – Projection Gallery (Brussels), Culturkom Gallery (St-Leu La Forêt-95), Chapelle Ste-Anne (Arles), Museum of eroticism (Paris), Festival for peace (Vincennes), Critical Figuration (the Pouliguen and Paris)
2010 -Singul’Art Gallery (Lyon), gallery «A l’ecu de France» (Viroflay), “Forum Kunst und Architektur” (Essen/Germany), Contemporary Figuration (60 Oise Clermont), Critical Figuration (Kiron Center-Paris) – Schönbrunn Castle (Wien/Austria) – Artcite (Fontenay s/Bois), Spontaneous Art Museum (Brussels) – Toreador exhibition (Nimes) – Comparaisons (Grand Palais – Paris), Europeans encounters (Villemomble-93), Creations (60 Oise Clermont)

2009-“the 2009 Wintry» (Rouen), gallery «A l’ecu de France» (Viroflay), Figuration Critique (space Kiron-Paris), Singul’Art Gallery (Lyon), BIZART-BIZART Gallery (Le Vaudioux-39), “The Zabu’s Factory” (Évreux-27), Galerie Alte Schule Gallery (Berlin/Germany), Palast Gallery (Berlin), Off-the-Standards (Praz/Arly), Böhner Gallery (Mannheim/Germany), Carrousel du Louvre (Paris), Kulturcentrum (Bonn-Hardtberg), comparisons (Grand Palais – Paris), Small Formats (ICSE-Ravel – Paris)
2008-“beech or not bee” (Singul’Art – Lyon), Jean Louis Mandon Gallery (Lyon), BIZART-BIZART Gallery(Le Vaudioux-39), “Unusual ceramics” (Champdieu Priory), “The Zabu’s Factory” (Évreux-27), Imaginary and fantastic art festival (Beaumont-14), Dialogue “da uno all’altro» (Venice), Comparaisons (Grand Palais – Paris)
2007 Critical figuration (Palais Bondy-Lyon), “Routes” (Évreux-27), Singul’Art (Lyon), Comparaisons (Grand Palais – Paris)
2006 Bronze 2006 (La Chapelle en Serval – 60), Critical Figuration (Town Hall of 15th-Paris), ‘Art in the city’ (Saint-Leu-95), “Salon of the antique dealers and designers” (Trocadero)
2005 bronzes, 2005 (La Chapelle en Serval – 60), La Briantais (Saint Malo), ‘leaves of aristoloches”, Jacquard loom Museum (Roubaix), Classic-Art-House Gallery (Brussels), Critical Figuration (St-Martin place- Paris), 2nd Outsider’s Spring (Champerret place- Paris)
2004 – Critical Figuration (Saint-Martin place- Paris), La Brianrais Castle (Saint Malo), SNPPsy (Paris), Maat Gallery (Paris)
2003 – Itinerary – Paris (Townhall of Paris 9th), SNPPsy (Paris)
2002 – Arts and Crafts Days (Metallos’ room- Paris)
1999 – Quinta das Cruzadas (Sintra – Portugal), Critical Figuration (Ark of the Défense/Paris)
1998 – okohama Convention Center (Japan), Critical Figuration (Eiffel Branly space/Paris)
1997 Critical Figuration (Ark of the Défense/Paris), Japan Festival -(Ark of the Défense/Paris), Villa Saint-Yves (Cannes), Critical Figuration (Eiffel Branly space- Paris),
1996 – Arte Contemporanea del Mondo (Florence)
1995 Annick Driguez Gallery (Paris)
1994 APART Gallery (Paris)
1993 Chouzy International salon (Cher)
1992 – Exhibition in the studios of TF1 (Paris), “One day, sculptors always Museum” (Le Marais in Paris)
1991 – Exhibition from June of the Celle-Saint-Cloud (Yvelines), “the ox eye” Gallery (Paris), Marne-la – Vallée exhibition (France)
1979/80 – Vienna Autumn salon (Mention of the jury for Applied Arts), Lyon Autumn Salon
1969/72 – Paintings Exhibition in Tegucigalpa (Honduras)