«L’Odysée» exhibition in Rennes
«L’Odysée» exhibition
Hôtel des Ventes in Rennes
32, place des Lices, 35000 Rennes
dates: 17-22 Decembre 2020
Featured artists:
• Annie Robine, bookbinding artist, editor
• Constance Robine, expressionnist painter
• Milo Dias, sculptor (Critical Figuration Art)
• Kéré Dali, sculptor
The Odyssey is a significant poem by Homer dating to the end of the 8th century BC. It relates Ulysses’ return home to his wife Penelope after having fought in the Trojan War.
This exhibition brings together 4 artists around the theme of Ulysses’ journey. They combine their talents in a unique way, charged with a marine atmosphere and imbued with the Odyssian soul, in search of harmony tinged with poetry.
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